Domain page offers you a wide range of different features so let's explore them.
Header of the domain page includes:
- Domain name
- Owner's profile picture
- By clicking on the profile picture it takes you to the profile page of the domain owner.
- Likes count & like button
- by clicking on the likes count it opens up a modal with all the users that have liked this domain,
- by pressing the like button you will like or unlike a domain.
- Domain page views
- amount of users that have visited the domain page of this exact domain (popularity of the domain).
- Price / highest offer / last sale
- On of these 3 will be displayed and the priority of those goes as they are placed.
- Listing/Registration expiration date
- If domain is listed the listing expiration date will be shown, otherwise if it is registered the expiration date will be displayed, but if the domain is unregistered the space will be empty
- Action buttons (buy now, make offer, sell, edit, cancel listing, register, add to cart).
- buy now
- purchase the domain by clicking the button and confirming the transaction in your wallet. If your ETH balance will be lower than the cost of the domain + gas fees, the button will turn gray and say "not enough ETH".
- make offer
- open the offer modal, set the offer amount, approve WETH if you haven't already, make an offer and sign it in your wallet (if you input more WETH to offer than you posses the "make offer" button will turn gray and say "Add funds").
- sell
- The button will take you to the listing page of your domain, where you'll be able to set the amount and the duration of listing for this domain.
- edit
- clicking that button will take you to the listing page, where you can make a new listing, but will have to cancel the existing one before submitting the new one.
- cancel
- cancel the current listing for the domain.
- register
- register the domain.
- add to cart
- domain will get added to either purchase or register section of the cart (depending on its status).
- buy now
Offers section will be present only if the domain is registered. Offers section will show all the active offers for the domain.
Canceling offers
If any of the offers for the domain is yours, you have an option to cancel it. Those offers will have the "cancel" button on the far right of the offer. By pressing it, you will trigger the cancelation process and will be asked to confirm the cancellation of the offer in your wallet. Once you successfully cancel the offer, the offers table will refresh and your offer will be gone.
Accepting offers
If you are the owner of the domain you'll have an option of accepting any of the presented offers. You do that by pressing the "accept" button on the far right of the offer you wish to accept. You'll be asked to confirm the offer in the wallet and after that a domain page will reload. If the accept transaction is failing without any error message the cause is most likely that the offerer doesn't have enough WETH balance, however if the transaction is successful, you'll receive the WETH in your wallet immediately,
If the domain is unregistered the activity will be displayed by default, otherwise you press the "Activity" text next to offers. Activity presents the history of any transaction in which the domain was a part of. With activity tab you can trace the old owners and the registrant of the domain if you want to.
In the details section extra information about the domain is presented. The information will of course vary from the domain to domain as well as if the domain is registered or not. The token ID is copyable by just clicking on the ID value.
Price history
This section will contain a graph with all the data about the domains price history so you can calculate the future prices and see the past ones. In the top right corner of the container you will be able to select the time period in which you want to see the prices from. By hovering over the certain value you will see the price for which the domain was sold/purchased for, date on which a transaction was made and the margin from the previous one (in percentages).
A simple description of the domain usually provided by the previous owner when they sold the domain.
List of categories which the domain falls under.
Problems and questions
Got any problems with any of the domain page features domains or questions regarding the process? Feel free to join our discord and ask as many questions as you want. If discord is a no go for you, feel free to leave us an email on [email protected].