Once you've selected the desired domains that are on sale and added them to cart, it is time to open the wallet and spend some ETH.
The buy now button in the bottom right corner will give you feedback depending on the state of the domains in the cart. If a button says "Add funds" means all the domain in cart are purchasable, but you unfortunately don't have enough ETH in your wallet to afford all of them. If the button says "Bulk offer" and is colored gray, it means that not all watches in the cart are purchasable and you won't be able to purchase or offer all of those (the updates and changes to bulk offering and cart system are coming soon to improve the shopping expirience on kodex.io). If the button is the blue color and says buy now, you are able to purchase the domains that you have put in your cart.
Wallet confirmation
Once you press the "buy now" button your wallet will open and you will be asked to confirm the purchase transaction. The price that you'll pay is a sum of the domain prices and the gas price you'll have to pay so the transaction can successfully execute.
Successful purchase
Once the transaction gets successfully executed, you will be notified in the wallet and a success modal will appear on the screen. That's it! You have successfully bought a domain on Kodex.
Problems and questions
Got any problems with a purchase or questions regarding it? Feel free to join our discord and ask as many questions as you want. If discord is a no go for you, feel free to leave us an email on [email protected].