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Once you've added all the domains you want to register to the cart you can begin the process of registration.

Opening the registration modal

Registering domains through cart is currently limited to only one domain at a time, so we recommend you to add the domains to cart and then go to the domain page of each domain and register each one from there (bulk registration support coming soon). If there is a single domain to register in the cart you can press the "Register" button, otherwise go to the domain page of the domain you want to register and press the "Register" button.

Setting registration duration

To set the duration you will register the domain for you just press the + or - button to increase or decrease the duration. The price will change depending on the registration time you set.

Confirming domain

Confirming the domain will reserve that domain for you to register it. The conformation is valid for 24 hours. To confirm a domain press the "confirm" button and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Once the confirmation is successful you'll have to wait 60 seconds so the domain gets successfully confirmed for your address. Meanwhile enjoy in some fun elevator music. Once you'll hear the elevator ding, the confirmation will be done and you can proceed to register the domain.


To register the domain it's as simple as pressing the "Register" button.

Wallet confirmation

Once you press the "register button your wallet will open and you will be asked to confirm the registration transaction. The price that you'll pay is a sum of the domain registration price and the gas price you'll have to pay so the transaction can successfully execute.

Successful registration

Once the transaction gets successfully executed, you will be notified in the wallet and a success modal will appear on the screen. That's it! You have successfully registered a domain on Kodex. To see al domains you own you can proceed to your account and you'll find the domains under listed and unlisted profile section

Problems and questions

Got any problems with registering domains or questions regarding the process? Feel free to join our discord and ask as many questions as you want. If discord is a no go for you, feel free to leave us an email on [email protected].